Kamperlijn improvement (Zwolle – Kampen)
The Kamperlijn improvement (Zwolle – Kampen) project was a joint project carried out by the Province of Overijssel, the municipality of Kampen, the city of Zwolle and ProRail.
A 13 km section of the Kamperlijn railway line, which stretches between Zwolle and Kampen, was renovated, electrified and equipped with an overhead line to accommodate electric trains. In addition, a new station, called “Zwolle-Stadshagen” was completed.
As a subcontractor of BAM Infra Rail B.V., Van Boekel Bouw & Infra B.V. was responsible for creating the large Stadshagen railway underpass, raising the railway bridge over Blaloweg by 30cm and installing a non-subsiding, cross-railway culvert in the Bisschopswetering.
All three pieces of infrastructure were worked up from a reference design in compliance with the criteria set by UAV-GC 2005. The architectural, functional structural design was worked up into Preliminary, Final and Implementation Designs.
Blalobrug bridge jacking
- (Temporary) jacking work for construction work.
- Jacking up the Blaloweg viaduct 30cm; installing three intermediate supports and ballast retaining walls.
- The total span of the piece of infrastructure was 42.38m1.