Molenvaart settling basin – Brunssum
Van Boekel produced one of the largest settling basins in the Netherlands for the municipality of Brunssum and Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg. This 14,500 m3 basin temporarily collects polluted sewage in the event of heavy rainfall, making the numerous sewer overflows into the Rode Beek a thing of the past. As an additional advantage, this has massively boosted the water quality of the Rode Beek. This basin was one of the largest civil engineering projects ever to be completed within Brunssum’s municipal borders, serving to boost the capacity of the existing sewer system. With every heavy shower, the sewer would quickly fill up, with the excess rainwater, including sewage, being discharged to the Rode Beek, which ultimately meant that the water quality of this stream left much to be desired. With the construction of this settling basin, the discharge of waste due to sewer overflows was reduced by as much as 90%.